You can come up with several media pitches just by answering these 10 questions:

1. What does your company do?

2. Why did you start the company?

3. Is it your company launch or a product or service you

want to highlight?

4. What makes it different or unique?

5. What’s the pricing and how is it available? (online only,

retail outlets etc.)

6. What makes you uniquely qualified to be successful with

this company? (relevant background or experience, awards


7. Who is using/could use your product/service right now?

8. How will this product/service make their lives easier?

(Why should they care? What problems are solved and how?)

9. If you could make THREE points, about your company,

product or service – what would it be?

10. Do you have an approved customer testimonial you can use

in this media pitch?

Write at most, 2 paragraphs to answer each question, or combine answers to 2 or more questions to form one pitch.

If you like, set a timer for 20 minutes and write your media pitches until the timer goes off.

Now, wasn’t that easy?  If you can write an email, you can write a media pitch.

Get started on free publicity for your company!

Source: PR in your Pajamas